Keeping your fridge clean and free of odours is important for maintaining food safety and a pleasant kitchen environment. Here are some tips to help you achieve that:

  1. Regularly clean spills and messes: Clean up any spills, leaks, or food residues promptly. Wipe down the interior of your fridge with a mild detergent and warm water solution, focusing on areas prone to spills like shelves and drawers. Rinse and dry the surfaces thoroughly afterward.
  2. Remove expired and spoiled food: Regularly check your fridge for expired or spoiled food items and remove them promptly. This helps prevent the spread of odors and the growth of mold or bacteria.
  3. Store food properly: Proper food storage is key to preventing odors. Use airtight containers or sealed bags to store leftovers, raw meats, and other perishable items. This helps contain odors and prevents them from spreading to other food items.
  4. Use baking soda: Placing an open box of baking soda in your fridge can help absorb odors. Replace the box every few months for continued effectiveness.
  5. Clean the fridge’s exterior: Wipe down the exterior surfaces of your fridge regularly with a mild detergent and water. Pay attention to handles, buttons, and other areas that come into contact with hands and fingers.
  6. Check and clean the door gaskets: Inspect the door gaskets or seals for any debris or food particles. Clean them with a mild detergent and water solution to remove any dirt or sticky residue. Ensure they are dry before closing the fridge door to maintain a proper seal.
  7. Clean the condenser coils: The condenser coils, located either at the back or underneath your fridge, can collect dust and dirt over time. Consult your fridge’s manual for instructions on how to access and clean the coils. Keeping them clean ensures proper cooling and helps prevent odors.
  8. Avoid strong-smelling foods: Certain foods, like onions, garlic, and strong cheeses, can release strong odors that can linger in the fridge. Consider storing these items in airtight containers to contain their smells.

By following these tips and regularly maintaining cleanliness in your fridge, you can keep it odor-free and create a hygienic environment for your food storage.

Image by Freepik

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